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Industry Dynamics
Industry DynamicsIndustry Dynamics

Shanghai implementation plan for building a quality country

Release Time:2024-02-29 Author:小编

In order to thoroughly implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and The State Council on the construction of a strong quality country, fully implement the Outline for the construction of a strong quality country, and accelerate the construction of a strong quality city, this implementation plan is formulated.


1.clarify the overall requirements


(1) Guiding ideology.  We will help Shanghai promote high-quality development, create high-quality life, achieve efficient governance, accelerate the construction of a modern socialist international metropolis with world influence, and better serve the construction of a country with good quality.


(2) Main objectives


By 2025, the overall level of quality will be further improved, the construction of the "four major brands" will continue to deepen, the people's sense of quality gain and satisfaction will be significantly enhanced, the role of quality in promoting economic and social development will be more prominent, and the construction of a quality-strong city will achieve phased results.


-- The quality and efficiency of economic development have significantly improved. The economic structure will be improved, with total labor productivity expected to reach 360,000 yuan per person, and energy consumption per unit of GDP down by 14%. Innovation capacity has been significantly improved, with the proportion of research and development expenditure equivalent to 4.5% of the city's gross domestic product, the number of high-tech enterprises in the city exceeding 26,000, and new driving forces and new advantages in quality of economic development significantly enhanced.


-- The competitiveness of industrial quality has been continuously enhanced. The overall modernization of industrial chains and supply chains has been significantly improved, the penetration rate of standardized agricultural production has reached 92%, the quality competitiveness index of manufacturing has remained above 94, the supply of service industries effectively meets the needs of industrial transformation and upgrading and consumer consumption upgrading, the scale of quality-competitive industries has significantly expanded, and a number of high-quality industrial clusters with international influence and leadership have been established.


-- Continuous improvement of product, engineering and service quality. Quality supply and demand more suitable, agricultural product quality and safety routine monitoring pass rate reached more than 98%, food sampling pass rate reached more than 98%, manufacturing product quality pass rate reached more than 95%, engineering quality spot check compliance rate continues to improve, consumer product quality pass rate effectively support high-quality life needs, service quality satisfaction further improved.


-- Greater progress has been made in brand building. The overall efficiency of the construction of the "four major brands" has been further strengthened, the promotion mechanism and support mechanism for brand cultivation, development and expansion have become more sound, brand leaders with excellent quality and distinctive characteristics have continued to emerge, forming a large number of Shanghai brands with excellent quality and obvious competitive advantages, and promoting a number of high-quality products and services of industry benchmark enterprises through the "Shanghai Brand" certification. Cultivate and publish 50 "Shanghai Standards".


-- Quality infrastructure is more modern and efficient. Quality infrastructure management system and mechanism are more sound, measurement, standards, inspection, testing and certification to achieve a higher level of coordinated development, the construction of a number of national industrial measurement and testing centers, quality inspection centers, quality standards laboratories, technical standards innovation base, to create 50 efficient and practical quality infrastructure "one-stop" service projects.


-- The quality management system has been improved. The quality policy system and supervision system are further improved; Further strengthen the mechanism for preventing and controlling major quality and safety risks; The quality management level has been further improved, and more than 100 advanced quality management models and results have been formed; The team of quality talents has been further expanded, and the structure and quantity of quality professional and technical personnel are better suited to the needs of modern quality management.


By 2035, the foundation of the construction of a quality-strong city will be more solid, the advanced quality culture will become a common trend, and the comprehensive strength of the quality and brand will reach a higher level.


2. Promoting quality and beneficial economic development


(3). Enhancing driving forces for quality development and innovation We will strengthen basic and original research in the field of quality, and promote breakthroughs in key generic technologies, leading-edge technologies, and major disruptive technologies. We carried out quality research projects, concentrated on implementing a number of industrial chain and supply chain quality research projects, and made breakthroughs in a number of major landmark quality technologies and equipment. We will strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights and enhance the ability to provide public services for intellectual property rights. We will improve the system of specialized quality services, promote the interactive development of standardization and scientific and technological innovation, and open up channels for the transformation and application of quality innovation achievements.


(4) Establish a green orientation for quality development. We will carry out actions to improve the resource efficiency of key industries and products, accelerate research on key core technologies for low carbon, zero carbon and negative carbon, and promote the low-carbon transformation of industries with high energy consumption. Accelerate the unified green product certification work, vigorously develop green supply chain, and promote the construction of green factories and green parks. We will promote carbon-related certification and carbon labeling systems, carry out research on green and low-carbon standards and measurement technologies, comprehensively promote the application of online energy consumption monitoring systems, and establish a sound carbon peaking and carbon neutral standard measurement system. We will implement a standard system for ecological restoration of national space. We will implement a system to promote the consumption of green products and promote a green lifestyle. We will implement near-zero emission measures for industrial pollutants, and continuously improve the capacity of energy conservation and resource recycling in the industrial chain.

(5). Strengthening quality development and benefiting the people We will encourage enterprises to accelerate product innovation and service upgrading, promote the improvement and expansion of new types of consumption, ensure the success of events such as the May 5 Shopping Festival and the Shanghai Tourism Festival, leverage the advantages of new product launches as landmark carriers, and accelerate the development of an international consumer center city. Establish a long-term mechanism for third-party evaluation of retail service quality. We will carry out activities to create safe consumption and create a safe consumption environment. We will improve the multiple quality assurance mechanism and encourage enterprises to take out insurance related to product, engineering and service quality. Promote the payment of consumer disputes in advance, carry out consumer complaints information publicity, and strengthen the protection of consumer rights and interests.


Third, enhance the quality competitiveness of key industries and regions


(6). Building a high level of integrated quality in the Yangtze River Delta Give full play to the role of the coordination mechanism for quality work in the Yangtze River Delta, carry out the construction of demonstration projects for quality improvement in the Yangtze River Delta, and establish a platform for sharing quality management experience and quality innovation achievements of benchmark enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta. Accelerate the integrated layout of quality infrastructure in the Yangtze River Delta, promote the unified formulation of regional standards and metrological technical specifications, and implement the sharing of resources and mutual recognition of results such as metrology, standards, inspection and certification. We will give full play to the role of the Yangtze River Delta international standardization cooperation platform and jointly raise the level of regional international standardization capabilities. Strengthen the quality evaluation and quality index system research based on the Yangtze River Delta industrial clusters and key industries, and improve the quality management level of the Yangtze River Delta.


7. Strengthening basic quality support for key industries We will promote the integration of innovation chains and industrial chains, and continuously improve the quality advantages of high-end and emerging industrial clusters. Focus on key industrial base sectors, strengthen quality status investigation and analysis, and implement quality improvement projects in different industries. We will strengthen the capacity building of basic industrial technologies such as measurement and testing, standard development, inspection, testing and certification, and accelerate the process of upgrading the industrial base. Promote the deep integration of basic manufacturing process and quality management to improve production agility and lean.


8. Raising the level of competition in industrial quality. Strengthen the overall quality management of the industrial chain, and strive to improve the quality control level of key links and key areas. We will carry out actions to improve standards and standards, and use advanced standards to boost the quality and efficiency of traditional industries and the development of emerging industries from a high starting point. We will accelerate technology iteration and quality upgrading in traditional manufacturing industries, strengthen collaborative innovation in technology, quality, and management in strategic emerging industries, and foster and strengthen quality-competitive industries. We will accelerate the cultivation of new business forms and models in the service sector, and promote service scenario, business and management reengineering through quality innovation. We will improve quality standards for the service sector, strengthen quality monitoring, and improve the market environment for the service sector.


(9) Accelerate the digital transformation of quality management. Improve the digitization level of quality management, and accelerate the standardization construction of digital metrology infrastructure and urban digital transformation. Promote enterprises to carry out digital empowerment actions for quality management, promote the formation of a "roadmap" for the integration and interaction of digital transformation and quality management, build new digital infrastructure and data hubs in the field of quality management, and establish high-quality data sets and quality knowledge maps. Support enterprises to carry out data management capability maturity assessment model, the implementation of the two integration management system standards, and create a number of Shanghai quality benchmarks for economic, life, and governance digital scenarios with high standards.


(10) Improve regional quality leadership. Build regional characteristic quality brands, carry out the creation of national quality innovation pilot areas, quality power benchmarking cities, quality brand promotion demonstration areas, and form a number of distinctive "one town, one product" projects. In the leading area of socialist modernization in Pudong New Area, we will intensify quality innovation, carry out in-depth quality improvement actions, and promote quality brand building. Improve the quality infrastructure layout in the new Lingang area of the pilot Free Trade Zone. Relying on Hongqiao International open Hub, explore the establishment of a quality standard system for high-end service economy, and serve the integrated high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta. Centering on the construction of the five new cities, we will strengthen the overall planning for quality development and promote the integration of regional construction and quality development. Focusing on the north-south transformation, Baoshan District will be built into a green and low-carbon transformation model area, and Jinshan District will be built into an important carrying area of the "Made in Shanghai" brand.


Fourth, accelerate product quality upgrading


11. Improving the quality and safety of agricultural products, food and drugs. We will strengthen the quality and safety guarantee of agricultural products, fully implement the system of promising to meet standards and pass certificates, establish standardization demonstration bases for the whole industrial chain of modern agriculture, and create demonstration models for the coordinated development of agricultural production and agricultural products with "three products and one standard". Strictly implement the "four strictest" requirements for food safety, and implement whole-subject, whole-variety, whole-chain supervision. We will speed up the construction of a whole-process and efficient agricultural food safety supervision system, and strengthen quality and safety supervision of credit and wisdom. We will strengthen the management of the full life cycle of drugs and vaccines, accelerate the review and approval of drugs that are urgently needed in clinical and rare diseases and medical devices, improve the capacity of drug inspection and testing and the batch issuance of biological products, accelerate the research and development of chemical raw materials and traditional Chinese medicine technology and upgrade quality standards, and improve the quality and efficacy of generic drugs with original research drugs and patented drugs. We will improve the information-based traceability system, strengthen the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for agricultural products, food and drugs, and realize the traceability of the whole process of key categories of products.


12. Improving the supply of consumer goods. Accelerate the iterative innovation of traditional consumer goods, promote personalized customization, flexible production, and promote product quality changes based on material selection, process aesthetics, and user experience. We will strengthen research and development of forward-looking product functions, expand the supply of high-quality new consumer goods, and promote high-end quality certification. Increase the supply of consumer goods for special groups such as the elderly, children, and the disabled, and strengthen safety requirements, functional adaptation, and convenience of use. Standard international advanced standards, promote domestic and foreign trade products with the same line, the same standard and the same quality. We will encourage the import of high-quality consumer goods, raise the quality and unit value of our exports, and achieve better imports and exports.


13. Improving the quality of industrial products. Give full play to the traction role of industrial design for quality improvement, vigorously develop high-quality manufacturing, strengthen the quality control of the whole process of research and development design, production and manufacturing, after-sales service, and promote quality upgrading. Improve the manufacturing capacity and quality level of major technical equipment, actively participate in the evaluation of "China · First (set)", and promote the industrialization of original technology and complete sets of equipment. Implement the supervision system of major engineering equipment to ensure the quality and safety of major equipment and investment efficiency. We will accelerate the intelligent transformation of traditional equipment, and vigorously develop high-quality general intelligent equipment. Implement the quality and reliability improvement plan to improve the reliability of machinery, electronics, automobiles and other products and their basic parts and components.


Fifth, improve the quality of construction projects


(14) Strengthening engineering quality assurance. Promote the standardization of engineering quality management, and strictly control the whole process of quality control of incoming equipment and materials, construction procedures, and project acceptance. We will improve the quality warranty system for construction projects and strengthen operation and maintenance management. Strengthen the quality supervision of the whole chain of engineering construction, and improve the quality supervision and inspection system that combines daily inspection with random inspection. We will improve the bidding and bidding system for construction projects, include the quality of enterprise projects in the evaluation of bidding and bidding, and strengthen supervision over the performance of contracts after bidding. Strengthen the construction of project quality supervision team, explore the implementation of government purchase services entrusted to social forces to assist project quality supervision and inspection.


(15) Improving the quality of building materials. Accelerate the development and application of new building materials such as high-strength, high-durability, recyclable, and green, and improve the performance and quality of building materials. We will encourage the purchase of green building materials and improve the product standards for green building materials. Guide enterprises to establish the whole life cycle quality control system for the production, construction and installation of prefabricated building parts, and implement the on-site supervision of prefabricated building parts. Strengthen the quality management of key building materials that affect structural strength, safety and durability. Strengthen the quality supervision of building materials, strengthen the quality supervision and random inspection of key building materials products such as external wall insulation materials, and carry out special renovation of building materials in key areas such as residential and public buildings.

16. Building a new model for Shanghai. We will increase forward-looking research and R&D investment in advanced construction technologies, and accelerate the independent research and development and integrated application of digital technologies such as building information models. Strengthen the high-level application of advanced quality management models and methods, promote advanced construction equipment and intelligent construction methods, improve the quality and safety performance of construction projects, and strengthen the construction of intelligent high-quality residential communities. Through the implementation of the "two old and one village" transformation, the existing multi-story residential elevator installation and the increase of public parking berths, to further improve the quality of urban housing.


6. Increasing the supply of quality services


17. Raising the level of specialization in production services. Build an international high-end professional service system, and constantly expand the global influence of the "Shanghai Service" brand. Vigorously improve industrial design, advertising creativity, inspection and testing, intellectual property rights, quality consulting and other services. Promote the development of inclusive finance, green finance, science and innovation finance, and supply chain finance, and improve the availability of financial services to upgrade the quality of the real economy. We will improve the quality of cold chain logistics services, actively develop multimodal transport, smart logistics, green logistics, and supply chain logistics, optimize international logistics channels, and improve customs clearance facilitation at ports. We will accelerate the development of new forms of foreign trade such as overseas warehouses. We will strengthen after-sales service capacity building for major equipment, special equipment, and durable consumer goods.


18. Upgrading the quality of life services. We will vigorously develop public catering services, innovate and enrich domestic services, and promote the professional and standardized development of property management and housing rental services. We will develop high-quality projects such as rural tourism, health tourism, and red tourism, and comprehensively improve the quality of tourism services. Improve emergency rescue services for home life, outdoor tourism, etc. We will vigorously develop public transport, guide the standardized development of personalized travel service industries such as online taxi booking and customized public transport, and promote the standardization of rail transit. Actively cultivate sports events, community fitness and other sports services, and improve the quality of public sports venues opening services. We will standardize and develop new business forms and models such as online sales and live streaming e-commerce. We will promote the standardized and orderly development of new models such as online shopping and mobile payment, and encourage the diversified and integrated development of retail formats such as supermarkets and e-commerce platforms.


19. Improving the quality and efficiency of public services. Improve the function and quality of government services, upgrade the level of "one-netcom office" for government services, expand the application scenarios of "with the bid", and comprehensively promote the construction of "one-netcom management" for urban operation. We will strengthen the construction of a "15-minute community life circle", and continuously improve the balance, quality, and convenience of public services in education, culture, employment, elderly care, medical and health care. We will build a high-quality education system and improve the quality and expansion of basic education, vocational and technical education, and higher education. We will strengthen community-level public service platforms for employment and entrepreneurship, and strengthen public employment services such as vocational skills training and employment guidance. We will strengthen the construction of quality standards and evaluation systems for elderly care services, and expand daytime photography