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System Certification
excellent quality, conveys trust

The ISO14001 environmental management system standard is an effective tool for creating green enterprises, and it is an internationally recognized standard that can be certified to effectively promote the continuous environmental management work and sustainable development of enterprises.

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Certification Description

ISO14001 environmental management system certification

With the impact of environmental issues and climate change, society and regulatory authorities are increasingly demanding environmental compliance management requirements for corporate organizations.

ISO14001 Environmental Management System Standard (EMS) is the world's first international standard for environmental management. It will identify your environmental impact factors, use systematic methods to reduce and eliminate environmental hazards, such as raw material use, energy management, waste management, etc., it will help you to shape an environmentally friendly organization, actively fulfill social responsibility and environmental commitments.

ISO14001 is essential to maintain the sustainable competitiveness of your business, and compliance with ISO14001 has become an inevitable choice for most responsible companies.

■ ISO 14001 certification process

1. Pre-assessment (optional)

2. Submit an application for certification

3. Sign the certification contract

4. Certification site audit

5. Issue certificates

6. Annual supervision and audit

■ Benefits of ISO 14001 Certification

Reduce environmental hazards and risks, reduce environmental costs and improve management efficiency

Improve your environmental management performance, meet environmental compliance requirements, and reduce operational risks.
Gives you a better chance of getting more orders and customers
Fulfilling environmental commitments and social responsibilities will enable you to gain wider social recognition.
Enhance your social image and make you sustainable and competitive in business.

■ Certification standards

ISO 14001:2015/ GB/T 24001-2016 Environmental Management System-Requirements and Guidelines for Use

■ Characteristics and value of ZOHOCERT

Is a professional service organization that has been deeply involved in the IT information industry for many years.

Has a number of senior academic management experts with more than 20 years of practical experience.

Scope of Certification

Serial Number Category Code Business Scope Classification Name Serial Number Category Code Business Scope Classification Name
1 1 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 21 22 Other transportation equipment
2 2 Mining and Quarrying 22 23 Other unclassified manufacturing industries
3 3 Food, Beverage and Tobacco 23 24 Recycling Industry
4 4 Textiles and Textile Products 24 25 power supply industry
5 5 Leather and Leather Products 25 26 gas supply industry
6 6 Wood and Wood Products 26 27 water supply industry
7 7 Pulp, paper and paper products 27 28 construction industry
8 8 publishing industry 28 29 wholesale and retail trade; automotive, motorcycle, personal and household goods repair industry
9 9 Printing Industry 29 30 Hotels and Restaurants
10 10 coke and refined petroleum products 30 31 Transport, Storage and Communications
11 12 Chemicals, Chemicals and Fibers 31 32 Financial intermediation, real estate and leasing
12 13 drugs 32 33 information technology
13 14 rubber and plastic products 33 34 Engineering Services
14 15 non-metallic mineral products 34 35 Other Services
15 16 Concrete, cement, lime, gypsum and others 35 36 Public Administration
16 17 basic metals and metal products 36 37 education
17 18 Machinery and Equipment 37 38 Health and Social Work
18 19 electrical and optical equipment 38 39 Other social services
19 20 shipbuilding industry      
20 21 Aerospace      

Certification Scheme

1. The organization shall not be included in the relevant directory of serious dishonest subjects of national credit information, and establish a documented environmental management system that meets the requirements of ISO14001(GB/T24001) standards. Internal audit and management review shall be completed before applying for certification, and the environmental management system shall be effectively and fully operated for more than three months;

2. The organization shall provide ZOHO with sufficient information on the operation of the environmental management system. For multiple sites, the certification scope, address and personnel distribution of each site shall be explained. ZOHO will conduct a sample audit on multiple sites;

3. Since the establishment of the environmental management system, the organization shall maintain self-evaluation of the compliance with laws and regulations, and shall take necessary corrective measures in time when it does not meet the requirements of relevant laws and regulations;

4.ISO14001(GB/T24001) is divided into two stages of audit, the first stage includes documents and information audit and on-site visit, the second stage is on-site audit.

5. The purpose of the first stage audit includes:

a. Review the management system documents of the applicant organization;
B. Evaluate the specific conditions of the applicant organization's operating premises and site, and discuss with the applicant personnel to determine the preparation of the second phase of the audit;
c. Review the applicant organization's understanding and implementation of the requirements of the standard, especially the identification of key performance or important factors, processes, objectives and operations of the management system;
d. Collect necessary information on the scope, process and site of the management system of the applicant organization, as well as relevant legal and regulatory requirements and compliance;
e. Review the allocation of resources required for the second phase of the audit and agree with the applicant organization on the details of the second phase of the audit;
f. Fully understand the management system and site operations of the applicant organization in conjunction with possible important factors in order to plan the second
Phase review provides focus;
g. Evaluate whether the applicant organization has planned and implemented internal audit and management review, and whether the implementation degree of the management system can prove that the applicant organization is ready for the second stage audit.

organization shall provide information including:

a. business license or production/operation license and qualification certificate of the organization;

B. Production process flow chart or business flow chart;

c. Plant floor plan;

d. Community plans;

e. List of significant environmental factors;

f. Stormwater and sewer network diagram (if applicable);

g. List of major toxic and hazardous chemicals;

h. List of applicable environmental laws and regulations and relevant standards;

I. Target and indicator management programme;

j. Background material on the organization.

k. Compliance records and performance data for a period of time, such as environmental monitoring reports and self-monitoring operation records since the operation of the system, including accident records, records of violations of laws and regulations, records of complaints and their handling and corrective and preventive measures;
l. Exchange records related to government departments, such as certification documents issued by environmental protection administrative departments:

-A copy of the approval document of the environmental impact assessment report (form);

-a copy of the "three simultaneous" acceptance certificate (when applicable);

-EIA report or EIA registration form (where applicable);

-pollutant concentration and total amount control index standard discharge certificate;

-Certificate of no environmental administrative punishment during the operation of the system;

-sewage permit, water intake permit, management permit, hazardous waste transfer approval certificate, etc. (when applicable);

m. Previous audit reports (when applicable: for example, review the previous audit reports and records of the previous certification cycle during re-certification, review the previous audit reports of the original certification body during conversion of the certification body, etc.);
n. Records of information exchange related to the environmental management system and corresponding measures taken, including conclusions and corrective measures issued by previous cleaner production audits and safety evaluations.

6. ISO14001(GB/T24001) audit is a compliance verification activity that collects objective evidence. In order to make the audit proceed smoothly, the organization shall make necessary arrangements for ZOHO to carry out initial certification audit, follow-up audit, supervision audit, recertification audit, special audit and complaint resolution, including document audit, on-site audit, access to relevant records and visitors.

and other aspects;

7. After obtaining the certificate, the organization shall comply with the relevant requirements of ZOHO. During publicity, it shall only declare the scope of approved certification and abide by ZOHO's regulations on the use of certification certificates and certification marks. ZOHO will review the use of certification certificates and marks during supervision and audit;

8, when the organization's environmental management system changes, or there is a major change that affects the compliance of the environmental management system, should promptly notify ZOHO;ZOHO will be subject to supervision and audit, re-certification audit or re-certification audit to maintain the validity of the certificate;

9. The organization shall provide ZOHO with records of information communication and complaints with interested parties, as well as records of corrective actions taken.

Certification Fees

Certificate Sample


Certification Mark